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Class 3 Terms 1 and 2

Welcome back to Class 3 everyone - and a special welcome to the new Year 4 pupils to Class 3 . 

Please see opposite the Whole Year Curriculum Plan for Class 3 , Medium Term planning and Class 3 Powerpoint. 

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Celebration Newsletter Class 3 2024

HISTORY WEEK January 2023

Last week we had a fanstastic time celebrating Broad Town School's History Week . The week was jam packed with historical fun, activities and big thinking!  Class 3's highlights of the week included making traditional Greek Biscuits with Mrs McIndoe, learning about Greek Pots , Roman Coins and the Great Fire of London and an absolutely fantastic live link up with the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. The week culminated in a History parade with the class dressed as past historical characters. We had Medusa, Alexander the Great,  Julius Caesar, Isambard Kingdom Brunel , Neil Armstring and Enzo Ferrari to name just a few ! 


Thank you , Thank you , Thank you!

Thank you so much to all the children and parents who so kindly donated food items and warm clothing to the Class 3 Swindon Night Shelter hamper . Mrs Floyd delivered the hamper on the last day of term. You are all so generous! 


Christmas Time in Class 3

We have been really busy making cards, decorations and calendars ....preparing for Christmas 2022 has been such fun! 


We hung our hand painted decorations on the tree in the village community shelter, they looked splendid we thought!


We very much enjoyed our Christmas Party!



Children in Year 6 have very much enjoyed their Bikeability training this term. We are pleased to report that all children gained their Level 1 and Level 2 awards. This is a national standard for bicycle riding which means that children can prepare for a bike journey and can ride with control.  To achieve the Level 2 award the children needed to demonstrate they could ride on roads in accordance with the Highway Code. They had to show confidence on single lane roads and at simple junctions. Congratulations to all the Year 6 Bikeability cohort November 2022! 


Children in Need 2022

Class 3 really enjoyed Children in Need this year. We wore non uniform or spots , raised an incredible £13.08 from our 'Pennies on Pudsey'  and enjoyed buying a cake (or two!). Thank you all for supporting this wonderful charity!  


Wiltshire Air Ambulance Visit

Class 3 enjoyed a very special visit from Wiltshire Air Ambulance this week and learned a very important skill - how to save someone's life!  The children practised how to put someone into the recovery position , how to perform CPR , what to do if someone is choking and how to use a public use defibrillator. We all learned so so much in a very short space of time and throughly enjoyed our morning with the Wiltshire Air Ambulance paramedic. 


'We'll Meet Again'!

Oh my goodness me! What a fabulous Class 3 trip we had to STEAM to learn more about life during World War Two!  We were evacuated , escaped to an air raid shelter and boarded the coal hold of a steam locomotive. A highlight was singing 'We'll Meet Again' in the pitch darkness of the air raid shelter.  What an amazing experience we all had! But ...most of all huge congratulations to every single member of Class 3 who showed our school value of respect and courtesy throughout the day. Our school was commented upon favourably by every single person we met from the bus driver to the Steam volunteers and education officers. We are so proud of you! A joy !  


The Queen's Platinum Jubilee


Musical Notes !!

Mondays are now known as Ukulele Monday! We have had so much fun learning to play a new instrument and sharing this experience with friends. We have learned to play a few pieces and are currently practising getting our fingers to play the C and F chords beautifully , switching our finger and hand positions quickly. 


Reading for Pleasure in Class 3

We have really been focusing on Reading for Pleasure and sheer enjoyment in Class 3 this term. We have enjoyed reading 'The Lost Happy Endings' , 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' and most recently -' The Day I Fell Into A Fairrytale' . This story had us all absolutely gripped !! Every chapter seemed to end on a cliffhanger and sometimes we didn't want the school day to end so that we could read on ! 

Thank you toe Jeremy and Holly W who are keeping our lovely newly vamped reading area so beautifully tidy and a lovely place to go and enjoy a book. 

We hope to run another Book Swap next term - so keeeeep reading and keeeep swapping !!!! 

Remember Class 3 - A cover is not the book so open it up and take a look'!! 


Braeside Visits

4 boys in our class recently spent two days at Braeside Education Centre. They learnt so much new information about Space and beyond ! They thoroughly enjoyed the day , (the lunches!) and learning so much new and exciting information. The boys shared what they learnt on their return to school . Well done boys ! 


Christmas 2021

Shelter drop off(1)IMG_1344IMG_1355

Working Together to 'Bee Positive!'

Class 3 have been working collaboratively on this amazing art work project to promote our new class motto 'Bee Positive!' . We hope you agree that we think the end result is spectacular! Well done Class 3! 


Recipes for a Great School

In Class 3, we considered one of our British Values - Tolerance of other Faiths and Cultures. We read a thought provoking poem by Benjamin Zephaniah and then wrote our own recipes for a happy school inspired by his work.  We hope you enjoy this selection of Class 3 poems. 

Benjamin Zephaniah

This is Benjamin Zephaniah's poem we used to inspire our own writing. 


Christmas 2020 in Class 3

Christmas Crafts 


Christmas Party

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